Episode 1 - Malaysian Comedy

Datuk Lee Chong Wei

Datuk Nicol Ann David
Both of the people in the pic are no more strange icon in Malaysia but yet they are being treated as no real champion.When i was watching news (sports) so come dis guy and say... these athletes are doing nothing for Malaysia eventhough they are de No.1... for a long time in sports malaysia neva had no.i rankings but now they are...y dey still treated as loser when they lose..instead of giving courage u r criticising then for lose... why dun u do de same 2 malaysia football or hockey team...all de kaki bangku's are playing dey...giving them stewpid insentifs..wat for...dey all get bigger in saiz ony... stewpid malaysians alwiz discuss for developing good-for-nothing players and abandoned good players...i got no wonder if both of them migrate n take another nationality.. for malaysian shud respect their sportsmanship and loyalty to the country..